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Baileys2 Menus

To see what Baileys2 have to offer please click on the downloadble menus below.

Breakfast served from 9:00AM to 11:30AM

Lunch served from 11:30AM to 4:00PM

Afternoon Tea served from 2:00PM to 4:00PM (No booking required)

*We also offer a range of specials listed up on our blackboards, Please ask a member of Staff if you have any dietary requirements.
Latest Menu

For more information or to contact us please email or call 01284 706198.


Baileys 2 Bistro Restaurant & Tearooms

5 Whiting Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1NX

T: 01284 706198

Opening times...

Monday to Saturday

9am to 4pm

Bank Holiday (closed)